Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Abounds

Today is Valentines day. The day of love.

Of showing love and receiving love.
Unfortunately and as with all other things that are celebrations of some thing, we have turned this into a profit making celebration!
It is about who was with who where doing what dressed in what and blah blah blah! BORING!

Today we celebrate love.
As our country waits to exhale
As prayers slowly drift upwards supported by hopes that they will heard and honoured
As the souls of people rise towards the heavens
Gazing upon the havoc and chaos that we have wrecked on each other
As you get closer to the scene and realise that it was not fog or mist
Rather the last wisps from a burning house
As we come to grips with how brutal we can be with each other
As we deal with the thin veneer of neighbourliness
Of good humour and shared stereotyping
As children struggle to go to school, businesses to reopen
Love abounds.

You see, with all this there are souls that have not let love die
They are giving every thing that they have
Console the emotionally violated
Soothe the wounds of the physically wounded
Bathe their shoulders with tears of the mourning and griefing
They are a manifestation of love
Love abounds!

When the masses arrive where some call "ancestral land"
There are people making space in their houses
Their coumpounds, in some cases, their beds (sigh)
They are making spaces in otherwise already overflowing schools
To take in innocent sufferers
They are creating opportunities for settling,
They hold the light for peace
They are an embodiment of true greatness
Love abounds.

When i think of Valentines
I think of all these people. I think of the steadfast hope
Of faith. Of peace
I think of allowing myself to be humbled. of humbling myself.
Of looking around and knowing that inspite of it all. despite of it. through it. over it. beneath it.
Love abounds. I love you

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