Monday, January 09, 2006

Back to school
i sit in class, 4 months later; a break; (un)deserved
the drama of why i had taken the break, forgotten
the drama now - will i make it this time, begins

i look around the room- my class
for familiar faces, friendly faces, apprehensive of all i see
in the pre-lecturer silence, i try to discern from all - what are they thinking?
what do they want to achieve, why are they all here?
As they walk through the door, i notice the quick scan of the room
what are they looking for?
they look for something, already.

my first disappointment, already
this is not the lecturer i signed on for
my mind races - the drama
did i choose this class, was it a change in allocation of a teacher
I compare him with the one i thought i chose
the accent, the class rules, the marks/grades allocation
teaching style, method, gesticulation, clothes, his hair, his handwriting on the white board
i can not hear him as well, he is not loud enough
his accent makes it difficult to understand
i come back to the content of the lecture, in the middle, already

i missed the intro
i missed something, what is it we are talking about, class is talking about
did i miss something, already?

i have to catch up
it is the first of 30 classes
am catching up; already

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