Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Letter to my Sister

Have fun while you are still young. I do not think that being employed is that bad. I think that what would be sad would be your resignation to nature that this is all I can be and then shelf your dreams and aspirations. I still think that there are opportunities out there that you can take advantage of depending on what it is that you want to do with your life.

Some times this clarity does not come all at once. it is some thing that you have to work on, to critically reflect every now and then. I used to do these personal reflection sessions - I seem not to have time for that anymore. But they are useful. shared goals, ambitions and aspirations make them more feasible, achievable. talk to various people about what you want to do, where you want to do it etc etc. I think that you should also just apply for jobs in institutions where you think that you can make the most difference. of course this implies that making a difference is what you want to do with your life. there are people who are very happy in the commercial sector selling all sorts of things and doing whatever they do - in my world, i have to see the difference they make but if you say that you sell soaps that clean out some thing off the skin, then maybe you are making a difference.


" Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time"

Relationships are hard work. I do not mean that they are hard work in the general terms of things, I mean here that the ability to be in one, to sustain it and be happy in it, requires a certain amount of work.....hard work. as Desiderata says, "do not be cynical of love, it is as perennial as the grass". remember that for grass to be perennial, the seeds have to be in the ground waiting for the rain so that they can sprout. so it is for relationships. for as long as the seed is there, regular feeding and watering will ensure that it remains green. once in a while, it may be worth to let it wither. remove it from the visible world. and then re-water it and rejuvenate it......the never ending cycle of life and death. resurrection. reincarnation.

interesting that you should ask about a beau. even more fascinating that you should ask it in that particular way. I am in the dry season of love. I have friends who would die for me. I have a family that I am beginning to appreciate more every day. I have work that fills my heart with gratitude. I have a life that I am thankful for. that is all I ask for from the universe.

there are people who are genuinely happy for you if you are happy. remember, you do not need a man to complete you. you are whole and complete as you are. take your time. explore. men. women. explore. find yourself, find true love and joy.


Your Brother.

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