Monday, July 10, 2006

Communication and Consistency

The last couple of weeks since I was here have been busy.
I have lost touch with what is going on around me and i find that i have been grappling with every thing. Trying to catch up and not really getting a handle on the things that i think i already have a handle on.
I guess that is the way that things go. Sometimes you have it and sometimes you simply do not.

So today i am compelled to remove the little voices in my head and put them somewhere, a place that i may be able to pick them up later on and deal with them. Even in saying that, it may be that i will be complete as soon as i remove them.

Do you manage people. It is a difficult thing to do. What and where is the line that shows, micro managing, back off! i have not seen that line. I also get that i thrive in information. This is not to be confused with communication. Somehow, information should find me or when i go to look for it, i should be able to find it.
When i do not have it neither do i get it when i look for it, i become grumpy. I hate it.

Communication on the other hand seems to be eluding me. Not communication....i correct myself, rather, the ability to say what needs to be said at the time when it needs to be said and to the person it needs to be said to. I have always prided myself of possessing these abilities. I am challenged right now.
Again, the more this accumulates, the more dangerous i get. Woe unto you if you 'communicate' my way.

I hate being second guessed. If you are correcting some thing that i have said, then you know and you have your facts right. If i am guessing and you are second guessing me and dont have the facts right, you anger me. If what i am saying is not factual, appropriate, correct or complete, what i expect is that what you say will clarify the situation, correct the situation or provide facts to the communication. I can not work with another "i guess...." on top of my "i guess....". Simply, that angers me.

Musings of consistency stalk me. Consistent, what does that mean exactly? How does Consistent or consistently manifest in my being? Am i consistent, thereby predictable? Can you finish my sentences for me? Can you complete thoughts for me? Do you already know where i am going with a particular conversation?
Say Yes, and i will hear " You are boring!". Consistency = Boring?

Consistency, when you see me, will i be wearing the same scent? clothes that fit a certain style? Will i address you the same way i always do? Will i say Hi or will i say Morning, or the full Good morning? Do you know that when i say i will be there at 5pm that i will be there at 5pm? Can you really count on me not to disappoint you in public utterances. I will represent you entirely in a way that is consistent, reliable? Consistency = Reliable?

Consistency= Conservative? Changes not. Slight deviations but on the same thing. No looking newly. Experiencing newly? No adventure? We have always done it this way, so we will continue to do it this way? Conservative?

Consistency? Reliable, dependable, regular, evenness, uniformity, stability, steadiness.

mmmhhhhh, consistent.

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