Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Connection - The Human Experience

it is in moments like these, when this brilliance shines through that i just want to hang out with you on the beach, sun shining in our faces, listening to some old jazz and laughing our heads off.

it is writing like this that fills my heart with yearning for freedom and long days watching people pass by. i could be sitting in the office, standing at the bus stop, perched on a high stool in a smoke filled bar. the essence of the moment, the absorption of life. it is writing like this that makes life tangible.

it is sharing of the feelings like this that reconnects us with the human experience. the knowledge that this really is not unique to you. it is common, BUT the experience of it is unique to you. and it is that diverse experience of commonness that creates the human experience. the attachment, the almost pious connection and the inadvertent understanding that we really are all similar.

this country has changed. the landscape. the technology. we have grown in different ways and means. if there is a specific trait which would identify as people of this land, maybe that, if there is a that, maybe it has not changed. the winds and sands of time could have chirped at it, the core somewhat remains subservient to a history.

there is never goodbye. there is always a see you later. we are connected. the connection never leaves. it never fails. it never allows itself to be subject to changing times, increased distances, removed from every day 'tangible' life. the connection never fails. it has not failed us. i am still here. i still love you. connected!

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